Bachelor Thesis - Voxel Path Tracing
Bachelor Thesis - Voxel Path Tracing

Bachelor Thesis - Voxel Path Tracing

Created on:
Team Size: 1
Time Frame: 7 Months
Tool Used: Jai / Vulkan

Final project of my studies at SAE Institute Geneva. Implemented Voxel Path Tracing in a Vulkan compute shader using the Jai programming language. The thesis document was made in Typst.

It features :

  • Per-voxel and per-pixel lighting
  • Diffuse, reflective and emissive materials
  • A palette compressed world
  • An environement map as a light source

What I Learned

  • The Vulkan API: As the project requires the use of compute shaders, and because I wanted to learn the API, Vulkan was chosen.
  • Jai: At first the project started with Rust, but then I got access to the beta of Jai, so I decided to use it. It is aimed to be a replacement of C++ geared towards games and the “joy of programming”.
  • Various path tracing techniques: This project deepened my understanding of the subject, with things such as cosine-weighted sampling and russian roulette.
  • Statistics: Doing real-time path tracing requires to apply some statistics concepts, and I also used student’s T-test to prove than an optimisation made something faster.
GitLab Page of Media Project GitLab Page of Thesis

The Thesis

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Screenshot of the project
Screenshot of the project
Screenshot of the project
Screenshot of the project
Screenshot of the project